Keszthely-Fenékpuszta ókori erődje

3D Reconstruction

Keszthely-Fenékpuszta késő-római erődje


Keszthely-Fenékpuszta késő-római erődje


A thousand-and-a-half-thousand-year history

The Fortress of Rome.  Keszthely-Bottompuszta is located on the western tip of Lake Balaton, one of the most important archaeological sites in Hungary.

In view of the late Roman era and the continued Christian and antiquities of the early 19th century, it was the 9th century. Until the 19th century. The A.D.C. 4. In the middle of the 19th century, a 15-hectare fortress was built here, with 44 towers and massive walls. The interior of the fortress consisted of warehouses, baths, administrative and representative buildings. South of the fortress there was a large cemetery, where from the construction of the fort to the 9th century. They were buried until the 19th century. The research is assumed after the end of the Roman era (A.D. From the middle of the 5th century), the area can be observed to live a Roman community. The archaeological trace of this can be seen in the material of the Christian group, which continued to preserve its antique culture and contact system, despite the fact that the territory of Pannonia was reached by the wave of migratory migration and the centuries of succession. Huns, Eastern Goths, Heruls, Langobards, and avars followed each other. The Christian community (regarded as a culture of Keszthely by archaeology) is the 6th-century church of The Church of St. In the mid-19th century, the artifacts of tombs of special wealth and a christian basilica of the early 19th century testify. Article 7(1) shall be hereby From the mid-19th century onwards, for about 100 years, the fort's area was uninhabited, but in the 9th century, the area of the fortress was uninhabited. From the 19th century onwards, recognizing its importance as part of the Karoling Empire, it was re-possessed.

I. Fázis 3-4. század

II. Fázis 4. század

III. Fázis 4-5. század

IV. Fázis 6-7. század

Bottompuszta – Keszthely Map

Roman Fortress


The Castrum Virtuale Exhibition 

Balatoni Múzeum

Keszthely, Balaton Museum

Castrum Virtuale

Időutazás az erődbe

TV Keszthely

The Balaton Museum invites the audience to the Roman fortress of The Bottom puszta for a time travel. On Saturday, castrum virtuale opens, which, after Heidelberg, will show you what the late ancient fortress of Buttmere looked like. The exhibition is linked to a scientific conference where archaeologists and architects discuss the possibilities of creating an archaeological park.

Heidelbergi egyetem

TV Keszthely

In one of Germany's most visited tourist centres, The Butt Puth is presented. From 25 April, heidelberg university will show the reconstructions of the Roman fortress and its buildings. The spectacular exhibition is expected to be viewed by thousands. The exhibition of the Balaton Museum and its partners arrives in Keszthely in September. The bottompuszta is one of the most important archaeological sites in Hungary, with a great deal of interest from professional

3D - múltból a jelenbe

s. TV Keszthely

In full reality, the fort of the bottom of the fort is alive in front of visitors on the latest exhibition of the Balaton Museum. The exhibition Castrum Virtuale presents the results of a German-Hungarian co-production excavation, but also uses digital technology to guide visitors into the past.


Kanizsa Weekly

After the abandonment of Pannonia, romans could live in The ButtocksH

ungarian Times


S? Hungarian Museums

Buttocks – excavations for 125 years
Interview with BálinttalZala

Havasi Media

Buttock excavations in new lightW


Drone and magnetometer search for roman scan of Buttocks T

V Keszthely

In the wake of the past

Archaeologists' work and the secrets of an excavation have gained insight today